The series originated on a word processor back in 2006. It has gone from Neven to Famine's story.
I was fortunate to have the late Louise Cooper read and provide motivational verbatim on my early drafts.
Her words resound in my ears to date. To be honest, I would've given up Famine's story long time ago, if she hadn't parted her words to me before she left this Earth.
If this story ever gets made into film. I will ensure a dedication to her honor. She kept me determine not to quit this story.
I'm proud to have held onto to this series.
I was able to complete and publish Famine's debut last year. Self publish albeit, but still into paperback.
Whilst Zaldizko is far from being a financial success story. I was able to net a nice 3-figure net profit from paperback sales made in 2019.

It received a pleasant reception and reviews from when it was available there.
Now. It has found a home at
As mentioned in my New Decade Plans post.
The future of Seriphyn Knight
I'll continue to forge a future for this series. Intending to keep this historical fantasy saga as current to the times as possible.
With inclusiveness and diversity as the storyline allows.
This saga is a ten book project. My only fear is that I die before the 10 books are online.
So it's chop-chop to chapters.
I'm thankful to all readers who stick around.